Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Tree Action

Been keeping super busy on the Treeborg project as of late. I had a sit down with the father of glyos and he gave me a great idea to go along with the Treeborgs. Its amazing how this insane man thinks! Anyway, the idea was to make a figure with some of the already existing Treeborg parts.

Some of the above pictures are WIP shots of the Treeborg soldier (working title) utilizing the foot part of the Treeborg( also Matts idea). I still need to add some armor and tree effects to him, but should make molding soon! I want to this release to have a few good elements to them, so lets hope this little guy makes the grade!

And finally, I got my hands on Matt Walkers new Monster Kolor resin dye! I must say, his products are top quality and nothing shy of spectacular. I can't say enough great stuff about this dye! And thanks for the extras Chooch!

Some more WIP shots and other swaz soon!

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